Press Release

January 23, 2023


Workshops for stakeholder consultation at local level within the project "Sustainable Local Development through Dialogue and Commitment"

Within the project "Sustainable Local Development through Dialogue and Commitment" we are organizing 3 workshops that will bring together local stakeholders with the aim of developing a functional consultation mechanism.

The workshops will be organized in such a way as to consult representatives of the Municipality of Aiud, local non-governmental organizations, and social partners. Thus, the first meeting will bring representatives from relevant departments of the Municipality of Aiud to the discussion table, the second meeting will gather representatives of local non-governmental organizations, and the third workshop will be organized in a mixed format, involving both NGOs and members of local social partners.

The first workshop of this kind will take place on January 30, 2023, and experts from Transparency International Romania will present the primary documents elaborated regarding the local consultation mechanism, including the mechanism design document, the proposed working procedure for the Advisory Group for Local Development, etc. The workshops will be held at the headquarters of the Municipality of Aiud.

The Romanian Association for Transparency | Transparency International Romania is implementing the project "Dialogue and Engagement for Sustainable Local Development" from August 2022 to September 2023, financed by SIPOCA 947/MySMIS 151484.


The general objective of the project is to strengthen the capacity of at least 40 non-governmental organizations and social partners to engage in shaping and promoting local development, through the development and implementation of mechanisms and procedures for interaction with local public authorities, as well as through specialized training and networking.

At the end of the project " Sustainable Local Development through Dialogue and Commitment" the following results are expected:

  • A local consultation mechanism named the Advisory Group for Local Development, developed within the project and implemented in partnership with the Municipality of Aiud.
  • At least 80 representatives of NGOs and social partners certified at the end of the training sessions.
  • Two procedures for NGO interaction with local public authorities, developed.
  • A guide as a tool for monitoring and independently evaluating policies and strategies at the local level.

Total project value: 424,197.11 lei, of which 415,713.18 lei are total non-refundable funds.

The project "Sustainable Local Development through Dialogue and Commitment" is co-financed by the European Social Fund, through the Operational Program Administrative Capacity 2014-2020!


Data publicare: 23/01/2023