
Collaborative workshops with officials from the Sibiu County Council within the ”Towards a successful public administration” - SIPOCA 477

Within the project “Towards a successful public administration”, SIPOCA Code: 477 / SMIS2014+ code: 119841, four collaborative workshops with 60 officials from the local institution took place on January 30-31, 2019, at the Sibiu County Council Sibiu.

On behalf of Taransparency International Romania, project partner, participated Gabriel Lupu (quality management consultant), Alexandru Zodieru (administration policies consultant) and Marius Mihai (digital technology consultant).


Transparency International Romania supports the exchange of good practices in the field of quality management between public institutions

Transparency International Romania organized on Tuesday, March 19, two work visits in Bucharest attended by public servants from the Local Administrative Unit of Botoșani, the leading institution of the DISC project - Integrated Development of the Quality System. The meetings took place at the City Hall of Sector 2 and at the Ministry of Regional Development and Public Administration.


Integrity for Prosperity Summit – 29th edition

The 29th edition of Integrity for Prosperity Summit took place on 21st of March 2019, in Alba Iulia.

Marian V. Popa (Deutsche Bank Global Technology Center Romania, CEO): It is important to set and maintain realistic and achievable goals, aiming for gradual, secure and stable progress. Regarding the Corruption Perception Index, Romania's goal must be to obtain a score of 50 points, a score that would place the country on the top regarding the states with a consolidated democracy.


Workshops with relevant staff from Botoșani Local Administrative Unit (LAU) within the project DISC - Integrated Development of the Quality System – SIPOCA 467

Between 03rd and 4th December 2018 took place at Botoșani four thematic workshops with relevant staff from the institution. The workshops took place through the project DISC - Integrated Development of the Quality System.

Eugenia Petrescu (administration policies consultant) and Cristian Cocoșatu (quality management consultant) participated in the workshops as Transparency International Romania representatives.


Integrity Summit for Prosperity – Galaţi

The XXXth edition of the Integrity Summit for Prosperity took place in Galaţi on March 26, 2019.

During the event that took place at "Dunarea de Jos" University were discussed topics such as integrity in Romania, mobilization solutions for integrity and prosperity; academic ethics within the "Dunărea de Jos" University of Galati; integrity in the accounting profession and integrity in health.

