Within the project “Performance and efficiency in administration by implementing a competitive management”, Transparency International Romania organized Tuesday, 29 of January 2019, two study visits at the City Hall of Sector 2 and, respectively, at the City Hall of Bucharest. The visits were attended by a group of officials from the City Hall of Aiud, the beneficiary institution of the project. The aim was the exchange of good practices regarding the efficient implementation of quality management tools.

The officials from the City Hall of Aiud had the opportunity to take note of the stages and experiences that the visited institutions went through as a result of the implementation of quality management systems.

The representatives of the Office of Internal Control and Quality Management within the City Hall of Sector 2 presented the good practices achieved by the institution in ensuring a constant flow of quality. For example: newly hired people are trained from the first working day by the approved staff of the institution on the quality management system and the permanent adaptation of the Quality Manual or correlation of internal procedures with the entire philosophy of quality management in public institutions.

The Executive Director of the Local Budget Revenue Department Sector 2 presented the benefits brought to both the citizen and the staff of the City Hall following the innovation of the online system for submitting declarations, paying taxes and obtaining attestation certificates.

During the visit at the Bucharest City Hall, the delegation was presented with the headquarters of the institution's registry, as well as various practices used to obtain an efficient quality management.

The project “Performance and efficiency in administration through the implementation of a competitive management” is implemented by the City Hall of Aiud in partnership with Transparency International Romania, between June 2018 and October 2019.

The general goal of the project is to implement an integrated and efficient quality and performance management system, through CAF self-assessment, standardization of work processes, ISO: 9001 recertification and development of staff skills within the Aiud City Hall, in order to optimize beneficiary-oriented processes, in accordance with SCAP.

Throughout the visit, the delegation was accompanied by the documentation and research expert from Transparency International Romania.

The project is co-financed by the European Social Fund, through the Operational Program Administrative Capacity 2014 – 2020.

Comunicat presa - vizita Primarie Aiud
29 ianuarie 2019
Comunicat presa - vizita Primarie Aiud - 29 ianuarie 2019
Comunicat presa - vizita Primarie Aiud - 29 ianuarie 2019
Comunicat presa - vizita Primarie Aiud - 29 ianuarie 2019

Data publicare: 31/01/2019