• Improving the European framework for the prescription of corruption offences by developing guidelines regarding best practices, and promoting them in 12 Member States of the EU. The goals of the project are: 1.Offering a global perspective on the current mechanism and influence factors, as well as the context in which they operate, leading to the development of a comprehensive and integrated knowledge body, as well as to best practices regarding the prescription of corruption acts. This involves caring out an opinion poll at EU level, as well as an in-depth analysis for each of the 12 Member States involved in the project. 2.Promoting best practices to the main stakeholders including, among others, initiators of public policies, governmental institutions, the private sector and other NGOs. The objective will be pursued by a series of meeting at a national level with the stakeholders, dissemination activities and the international release of the best practices report.
  • The goal of the project is to offer support for the implementation of the standards regarding human rights ant the protection of the minorities in Serbia, and to help with their conformation to EU standards by: Strengthening the institutional capacity of the authorities at a local and national level by promoting good governance, including a clear legal framework and institutional support for the protection of human and minorities rights Raising their capacity to coordinate, monitor, implement and evaluate the grade of protection that is given to human rights and to the minorities in Serbia, as they are derived from their quality as members of the UN and the European Council
  • The training should provide participants with the general knowledge and skills needed to prevent administrative corruption at the technical level, as well as encourage ethics in the administration, providing tools to resist corruption.
  • Integrity Pacts are simple and effective tools in promoting transparency and integrity in public contracting. They bring together public contracting authorities and all tenderers in a given area, in an agreement whereby the parties undertake to comply with all legal provisions on public procurement, refuse any involvement in corruption, ensure transparency of the process, confidentiality of the information that comes from the bidders, fair competition on the market and equal information of all the participants in the procurement procedure, to accept the subsequent monitoring of the contracts. In this context, TI-Romania has proposed to systematically promote this instrument in Romania as well.